• Uncategorized

    My Big Failure

    Last year was supposed to be my year of “Health & Wellness.” While I do have a lot to celebrate, I have to officially call my year a failure with regard to those goals.

    I started out really strong with a 21-day cleanse, and I was the most regular participant in my yoga class for a solid four months. I used the Pact app to make sure I was running twice a week, and I was always planning ahead to make sure I could fit in my runs, no matter how busy my week was going to be. And all of this lasted for a third of the year! And … Read More

  • Uncategorized

    Holding Yourself to the Fire

    I don’t want to get to the end of the year and have to report back that I failed to meet my goal of being able to describe my life as “full of vitality” like I did last year. But, let’s face it, most New Year’s Resolutions are doomed to failure! Kelsey says this book is good for figuring out what kind of person you are when it comes to forging new habits. You can also take the online quiz here
    I’m the kind of person who needs:

    • A really concrete goal
    • An extremely clear vision of the specific actions that will lead to the end goal
    • A plan
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  • Health-n-Wellness

    MTHFR Genetic Testing

    On our journey to help our oldest son strengthen his self-regulation and impulse control, we met with a psychiatrist so she could test him for a genetic mutation that makes it difficult for the body to process folic acid. The gene is called MTHFR. If there’s a mutation, the body’s production of key hormones (like serotonin and dopamine) can be affected and can lead to anxiety, depression, ADHD symptoms, etc.   

    She explained that Europe and Canada have been testing for this mutation for a lot longer than the U.S. (no surprise there), but that it was recently added to the list of genetic tests that get done at birth … Read More