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    Energy Audit

    I’ve been feeling such a lack of energy lately! I hate this feeling, and I need to do some introspection to figure out what’s causing it and what I can do to regain some energy.

    1. Matt and I are inconsistent about turing the lights out at 10pm. We really need to do this! Getting adequate sleep is integral to having higher levels of energy. 
    2. I need to regularly take my multivitamins. As a vegetarian, I think I need the extra little boost of iron.
    3. I need to pick up the clutter around our house. I’m someone who is very impacted by my surroundings, and disorder leaves me feeling unsettled. 
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    Sticking to Your Health & Wellness Goals

    The other day I started getting antsy about not growing enough as an individual. I started wondering, “How come I’m not making more time to read self-help books? How come I’m not setting specific growth goals for myself?” 
    I indulged that line of thinking for about two seconds and then remembered that 2016 is my year of “Health & Wellness.” Specifically, I am focused on sustaining an exercise routine and focusing on healthy eating. 
    And I’ve been doing it! Despite working full-time and trying to be a good wife/mother/friend, I manage to run twice a week and go to yoga once a week. And it feels great. 
    The key for
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    Enrolling My Son in Martial Arts

    Henry just turned five, and up until this point, he hasn’t really been enrolled in any extracurricular activities (aside from a safety swimming class when he was a toddler). I definitely subscribe to the ideas explained within Simplicity Parenting around giving children wide-open time to play outside, create, explore, get bored, and decompress. I haven’t felt like the benefits of extracurricular activities outweigh the drawbacks at this point. We are already a stressed out family with two full-time jobs and full-time school for the boys. 
    However, at our recent conference with Henry’s teacher, she mentioned that she thinks he would benefit from a formalized activity that helps him channel his
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