• Uncategorized

    Cookbook Recommendation

    I’m not one to buy books these days. The library is my friend. I love how it’s free and it keeps clutter from piling up in my home. 
    But I had to make an exception for this book. I know it seems weird to buy a cookbook in the age of Pinterest, but I’ve been searching high and low for clean recipes on the internet, and I’m not having much luck with finding things that appeal to me. 
    The book Everyday Detox is awesome! I learned how to make a pizza crust out of cauliflower (the recipe involves thawing frozen cauliflower) and an easy and delicious frittata. I’m eager to
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  • Health-n-Wellness

    21-Day Cleanse

    I’m almost done! Three more days and I will have officially completed a 21-day cleanse. My mom did it, too!   

    The regimen for the past 21 days has been a smoothie for breakfast, a healthy lunch (I typically eat something like brown rice with roasted vegetables and chickpeas), and a dairy-free soup for dinner.   

    On the good side: I feel great. I’ve lost about eight pounds. I sleep better. I don’t have weird shifts in my energy levels. I can exercise easily (run three miles or do yoga for an hour). I think I have broken my addition to sugar.   On the bad side: I miss … Read More

  • Uncategorized

    I’ll Lose Money If I Don’t Stick to My New Year’s Resolutions

    Phew! At the time of writing this, I am eight days into my cleanse and I’m feeling great. I’ve been spending this time reflecting on my intentions for the year and trying to figure out how to make them actually come to fruition. This quote from The Art of Simple really resonated with me:

    Quite honestly, I’m kinda on
    the fence about making resolutions on January 1—I appreciate the
    sentiment, but I know how seldom those resolutions are actually
    resolved. Sometimes, they merely serve as a catalyst for frustration
    when January 7 rolls along, and you’re already back to your Dr.
    Pepper-drinking, staying-up-too-late ways.

    But I am in to: fresh

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