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    How to Self-Publish a Book

    I am a sucker for dreaming big and dwelling in possibility. Our lives are so short! I have pushed myself to dream big (and be plenty scared and insecure) many times while taking a year-long sabbatical to travel by myself, planning a $2,000 wedding when everyone thought it was tacky, publishing a book about our tacky wedding, self-publishing another book with some awesome gals, building a house, starting a school.   
    So when I got an e-mail from one of my internet friends with an opportunity to interview another woman who dreams big, I jumped at the chance. 
    Everyone, meet Gena! Gena had the audacity to publish
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    The End of Toilet Paper?

    Listening to Kelsey and Chris’s podcast, Matrimoney, is introducing all sorts of new ideas and goals into my life around money. But it’s also getting me interested in the idea of eliminating toilet paper from our master bathroom. 

    Yes, seriously!
    On the podcast, they talk about using the diaper sprayer attached to their toilet to clean their private areas before using a resusable baby wipe (the kind made out of fabric) to pat dry. Then they went on to get a bidet for their bathroom.
    I am always looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact, and I’m interested in exploring this idea. Kelsey, what kind of bidet did
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    Enter to Win a Dream Do Planning Consultation

    During this round of Purposeful Conception, one of the participants was talking about making a career change in order to create more space in her life for pregnancy and parenthood. She mentioned that she might want to start an in-home childcare program, but she finds the idea “completely terrifying.” 
    My mind flooded with excitement about the possibility of helping her translate this big, audacious goal into smaller, manageable action steps. I think I might really enjoy helping people make their big dreams a reality. 
    I decided to create a contest to give away one free Dream Do Project Planning Consultation to see if I’m actually good at this kind
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