Learning Tower
I have been so eager to get our hands on a Learning Tower. Although they are cumbersome and insanely large, they seem like such an awesome way to help young children participate in the kitchen life of the family. Although I’ve read that “Practical Life” activities usually start around 15 months, I can sense that Henry is ready to at least be elevated to the counter with us. A few nights we’ve had him stand on a chair (with one of us standing directly behind him) in order to watch us wash dishes or make dinner. He’s completely enthralled.… Read MoreI’ve seen directions for making your own Learning Tower (that
The Importance of Practical Life
… Read MoreSince I started chucking my to-do list during Henry’s awake times, I’ve noticed that he’s become more needy, demanding, and clingy. Of course it’s partly due to his age (8 months) and his developmental trajectory.
However, when I read this post and this post by Stephanie, a Montessori mom, I decided to try a different strategy. I decided to make myself busy around Henry. I started doing my own work around the house during his awake time. In her posts, she specifically said to stay off the computer and the cell phone during this time, since it’s a distraction to the child’s own work.
I decided to start by doing
An Environment of Yes’s: How to Create It
I am not a perpetual furniture re-arranger. I am not someone who takes pleasure in trying out new positions and arrangements “just for a change.” Sometimes I wish I were, but I’m not. Yes, I move these around from time to time to get them just right. But once things are in a position that feels tuned to my aesthetic preferences, I am perfectly happy to leave them alone and occupy myself with other pursuits. However, to authentically implement Montessori in the home, I absolutely have to rearrange things to keep up with Henry’s developmental needs. I have had to learn how to create an environment of yes’s.
Examples of
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