• Montessori

    Montessori Blueberry Muffin Recipe for Young Children

    I finally got around to making a Montessori Blueberry Muffin Recipe for Young Children. My boys (age 7 and age 5) can make this recipe independently. Independent baking from a young age is an integral part of Montessori because it builds so many crucial skills: self-confidence, the ability to follow multi-step directions, problem-solving, and focus and concentration. It also prepares them for independence in college and life!  

    I made sure everything they needed was within reach without help. I store the following things on their shelf: mixing bowl, muffin mix, whisk, bowl for cracking eggs, canola oil, muffin pan, the recipe, and measuring cups. Everything else is stored in our … Read More

  • Purposeful Parenthood

    Montessori Advice: Packing Lunches

    Despite the fact (or maybe because of the fact?) that Henry has been involved in the kitchen from a very young age, he doesn’t enjoy helping in the kitchen. Sure, he’ll jump on the bandwagon if we’re making something like brownies, but he really doesn’t want to be involved in the day-to-day: dishes, setting the table, helping with dinner, etc.
    However, I want him to contribute to our household and our family as much as possible. I want him to understand that each person has a role to play in helping our household run.
    I returned to the handbook from a private Montessori school for guidance. Here’s what it says
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  • Uncategorized

    Update on Montessori For All

    Those of you who have been around these parts for a while have heard me talk about my dream to start a non-profit organization that would open Austin’s first public Montessori school and then open other public Montessori schools in diverse cities across the U.S. I wrote many posts about “dwelling in possibility.” If you’re interested, you can read all about it (along with other cool public Montessori stuff happening) in an article from One Day Magazine called: “How a Montessori Movement is Reinventing Public Schools.” It’s been a lot of years in the making and has required a lot of sacrifice, but I’m so honored to get to
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