• Travel-n-Trips

    Vacation in Upstate New York with Kids

    Vacation in Upstate New York with Kids

    Who should vacation in Upstate New York with kids? People who like small, quaint towns, lots of greenery, time outdoors, refreshing air, and swimming in fresh water.

    Therefore, upstate New York checked all of our boxes!

    First, we had relatively inexpensive direct flights to and from New York City. Then our friends were gracious enough to host us for two nights. The first afternoon, we got snacks at Whole Foods and walked to the Pier 25 Park in Tribeca. I try to always travel with a bed sheet that serves as a picnic blanket. Matt and I found a comfy spot and played cards while the boys made new friends … Read More

  • Travel-n-Trips

    Montessori Vacations for Elementary-Aged Children

    A journal for a Montessori vacation

    When Henry attended private school at Austin Montessori School (before we opened a public Montessori school in East Austin), I remember listening to a presentation about how to build a love of reading in children. Unexpectedly, the conversation veered into the concept of Montessori vacations. They didn’t name it that, exactly, but bear with me.

    The presenter shared a story about a family that had been reading about wild horses in North Carolina. They then planned an entire trip to search for the horses in real life. That concept stuck with me! I think it’s so amazing to explore learning in a fun and self-directed way.

    Now that my … Read More