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    Gardening in the Front Yard

    I apologize in advance for writing this post every year. Sometimes two times a year. It’s just so fun to have a front-yard garden!

    We planted our Spring/Summer garden over Spring Break. Here’s what we have growing:

    • Cucumbers
    • Mint
    • Watermelon
    • Artichoke
    • Bell peppers
    • Beans
    • Tomatoes
    • Cantaloupe
    • Pomegranates
    • Figs
    A front-yard garden is a lazy gardener’s dream. I am forced to walk past it at least two times a day. It’s very easy to weed when you are walking by and spot something. 
    Walking by the garden at least twice a day ensures that we notice things as they progress. It’s so fun to stop briefly to notice the tendrils of
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    A New Hobby

    Book stores hold a special place in my heart. I have fond memories of walking into a book store feeling lonely, a little at odds with the world, a little out of place–and walking out with a deep contentment and a renewed sense of excitement. 
    Lately I’ve been craving a trip to the book store. I’m feeling like I need a new hobby. I want to pore over a non-fiction book, take notes, make plans, and make something happen. But I have trouble fitting trips to the book store into my life as a mother. In the evenings, after the boys have gone to bed, I don’t have the energy
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    Start a Garden!

    If you have children, I wholeheartedly recommend starting a garden. It’s the most amazing thing to watch children move through the planting to harvesting cycle. You don’t even need a very big one to have a big impact. We’ve recently been harvesting Brussels sprouts and artichokes. Amazingness!
    There are a couple ways we fit gardening into our crazy-busy lives:
    1. Our raised beds are in our front yard, which means we are forced to pass by them and notice them every day. 
    2. We have automatic irrigation–it changes everything! Here’s a kit that might work well for a raised bed.
    We put so little into our garden in terms of time and
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