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    Another Season of Gardening

    And so the cycle of gardening begins again. We pretty much garden year-round in Central Texas! Well, actually, it is year-round here. 
    The boys and I just pulled up the fall/winter garden. We harvested a bunch of cabbage. It was fun to watch broccoli completely flower (it attracts so many bees!). We pulled out all the lettuce, as well. We left our artichoke plants (they seem to grow all year long!) and our Brussels sprouts. 
    Henry pulled a lot of snails out of our garden and moved them to a better spot. During the process, he noticed, “Mama! The snails are mating!” Sure enough, they were. It’s so fun to
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    The End of the Summer Gardening Season

    On Saturday we ripped up all the watermelon, cucumber, and tomato plants from our front-yard garden. It’s such a cathartic process to purge everything. 

    We had a pretty good season. We didn’t stake our tomatoes well and bought the really sprawling kind, so those didn’t go as well as they could have. Our watermelon plants got aphids, but they continued to produce a ton of watermelons all summer long. Next year we’ll be more intentional about which kind of tomato plants we buy, and we’ll do some proactive organic stuff to head off the aphids. 
    Last year, I was so spent from work that I had no energy for the
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    The garden is blooming! So far, we have the following things planted:

    • Tomatoes
    • Figs (from last year)
    • Pomegranates (from last year)
    • Peaches (from last year)
    • Pears (from last year)
    • Plums (from last year)
    • Lemon grass (from last year)
    • Rosemary (from last year)
    • Bay leaf (from last year)
    • Blueberries (from last year)
    I think one of my goals for this season is going to be to learn how to can. We definitely won’t be able to eat all of the tomatoes we produce during the summer season. Since we eat homemade pizza about 3-4 times a month, I think it would be useful to learn how to can pizza sauce. Any recommendations? What’s the easiest and cheapest way to
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