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    Planning the Spring Garden

    I’m sorry it took me so long to post the plan for our front yard! It’s kind of hard to tell what’s going on without any of the labels, but the short version is that the four squares near our front porch steps are 4×4 raised beds made out of wood. The bed to the right of those is an herb garden. The bed along the sidewalk has five blueberry bushes in it. There is also a pomegranate tree, kale, basil, and some other edible things. The whole thing has drip irrigation which will help us save water and minimize the amount of work that is going into the front
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    Planning the Garden

    Despite the fact that we’ve lived in our house since August, it still looks like a construction site (sorry, Neighbors!). It’s been really hard to prioritize landscaping because a) it’s so expensive and b) I’m juggling a million other things that feel much more urgent and important.
    We did manage to get three different plans and quotes, and we fell in love with the design above. It’s an edible landscape. The squares are raised beds that will provide 64-square feet of gardening space, strategically situated between our driveway and the front door so that we constantly have to walk through it. There are also five blueberry bushes! And a pomegranate
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    Inch by Inch, Row by Row: Front-Yard Garden

    I’ve written this post so many different ways in my mind over the past week as I’ve debated whether or not to move forward with a front-yard garden. 
    In one version of the post, I was going to write all about how we have to be honest with ourselves about who we are and what our preferences are–no matter what other people say/think and no matter what we tell ourselves in our own romantic stories about who we want to be. 
    Ever since I started this blog in 2006(?) I’ve wanted to garden at home. We went to great efforts to make this dream a reality when we lived in
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