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    Preparing for Garden Season

    The next garden season is a long, long time away for me. First, we have to get our house built. Then we have to save up money to build raised beds. Then we have to [hopefully] have our second child and go through the difficult transition into infanthood all over again. 
    But after all that, I want to be ready. I talked with my friend who works at Urban Harvest in Houston, and she gave me some great advice:
    • Start Small: Of course I wanted to start with many raised beds. She advised me to start with one, get a handle on it, and then expand the garden. I definitely
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    Container Gardening: Basil

    Henry and I have decided that it’s time to start gardening (well, I’d like to think that Henry is as excited as I am–humor me, okay?). On a recent trip to Whole Foods, we picked up a basil plant, grown at a local nursery.

    My Little Herb Gardens book says that we should do the following:
    1. For five to six plants, choose a container about 18 inches in diameter and at least 12 inches deep.
    2. Make sure the container has a drainage hole.
    3. Cover the hole with a little gravel, a few small rocks, or bits of broken pottery.
    4. Fill a sink, bowl, or bucket with water and submerge the
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    Gardening with Children

    Oh, how I can’t wait to set up a garden! I have really been dragging my feet. I originally started this blog in 2007 to chronicle my journey into organic gardening when we moved from Houston to Denver, but I ended up failing miserably.

    When we moved back to Houston, I didn’t start a garden because our backyard is way too shady. We’re thinking about moving into a three-bedroom house sometime soon-ish, so I’m even more reluctant to start a garden. Plus, we have free-range chickens, and I’m worried about how they would interact with the garden.

    But at least my class has a garden plot! It’s amazing how it

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