Birth To-Do List
On Saturday, Matt and I hit the one-month mark until the official due date of our baby. I’ve never been one to buy into the idea of a “due date” because most babies don’t arrive on said date, but that’s what’s making me nervous. It would be perfectly normal and healthy for him to come in two weeks. Two weeks!
I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the sheer number of things that I need/want to get done before he arrives. Some of the things on the list are absolute necessities (like get all the supplies we need for our home birth and pick a darn name). Other things will… Read More -
The Benefits of Prenatal Exercise
Hoss and I getting ready for a walk (known to Hoss as a “sniff, sniff”) in my second trimester
I get silly updates from pregnancy sites on a daily basis. I call them silly because they aren’t usually all that helpful, but I like to skim them anyway because they occasionally have small nuggets of advice. I received this one recently:… Read MoreBabies of pregnant exercisers tend to sleep through the night sooner, are less prone to colic, and are better able to soothe themselves. Scientists attribute this to these babies being stimulated by their moms through changes in heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as the sounds and vibrations
Videos About Birth
I subscribe to the Hypnobirthing idea that the more fear we feel as we enter into labor, the more tense our bodies will be. The more tense our bodies are, the more difficult it is for our uterus to do the work it needs to do to push the baby out.… Read MoreAccording to one of the doulas we interviewed several months ago, opening yourself to each contraction is something that you have to commit to over and over again throughout the labor process. You have to relax into the experience, working with your body instead of against it.
One of the strategies I’m using to reduce my level of fear