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    The 20-Degree Challenge

    Matt and I have been trying to use our air-conditioning and heat less often in order to be better on the environment and our wallet. The thing about living in Central Texas is that you can literally go from AC to heat (and back again) in the span of a week. Oddly enough, it’s not often the perfect temperature to have nothing on and the windows open. 
    Matt and I have been trying to stretch what feels right in our home but undertaking the “20-Degree Challenge.” We are trying not to turn on the air-conditioning until it gets hotter than 80-degrees in our house and trying not to turn on
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    The End of Toilet Paper?

    Listening to Kelsey and Chris’s podcast, Matrimoney, is introducing all sorts of new ideas and goals into my life around money. But it’s also getting me interested in the idea of eliminating toilet paper from our master bathroom. 

    Yes, seriously!
    On the podcast, they talk about using the diaper sprayer attached to their toilet to clean their private areas before using a resusable baby wipe (the kind made out of fabric) to pat dry. Then they went on to get a bidet for their bathroom.
    I am always looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact, and I’m interested in exploring this idea. Kelsey, what kind of bidet did
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    Busy Girl’s Guide to Composting

    Since Matt and I moved to our new house in Austin, we’ve changed up our composting system. Before I share our new system, I wanted to share our old one because it was super-simple.

    I got the old one for free in Baton Rouge back in 2001 when I was doing Teach For America in rural Louisiana. It looked just like a trash can, except it had a big hole at the bottom that opened up to the ground. It was similar to this one. I’m convinced it’s the absolute best system for someone who wants to keep as much out of the landfill as possible but a) doesn’t

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