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    Cloth Diapers

    It can be a bit overwhelming to pick out products before the baby’s arrival. I mean, there are simply so many options. Luckily, one of Matt’s colleague’s gave us this book early on in the process. It helped a ton. For example, I read their advice about car seats and just picked one.

    In all honesty, I don’t get that much enjoyment out of doing all the research it takes to find the most perfect option. Luckily, I have lots of people in my life who enjoy this kind of work (like my best friend, Andy, who told me exactly what kind of laptop to get).

    When it

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    Eco-Friendly Mattresses

    While Matt and I are busy trying to squirrel away more savings (for things like a midwife and doula, nursery, new couch, 12 weeks of UNPAID maternity leave, etc.), I keep adding to the list of things to buy. For example, I really want a new mattress.
    Throughout my first trimester, I found sleeping to be pretty difficult on our uncomfortable bed. However, every time we traveled this summer, I had no problem falling asleep (usually on pillow-top, hotel mattresses). Plus, Matt has been hankering for us to upgrade from a queen to a king.

    The thing is, if we buy a new mattress, I’m pretty convinced we should get

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    Rain Collection System

    Hooray! We finally had our rain collection system installed. We hired our neighbor to install a little piece of gutter that will feed into our barrel. One inch of rain will collect 175 gallons. Oy vey!

    We had it installed on the side of the house that we will use for our raised garden beds this year. It’s out of reach of the dog and chickens, which will keep it a little safer (although I imagine the neighborhood cats will make their way to it).

    We ordered the rain barrel a long time ago from a project to raise money for a Montessori school. It’s just been sitting around for … Read More