• Organization

    It’s August: Time to Shop for Christmas!

    I’m someone who really likes to get creative at Halloween and buy or make thoughtful Christmas gifts and yet I don’t want those things to feel stressful. My solution is to start thinking about these things in August! 
    I keep a running list all year long (inside my to-do list, which is kept in One Note) of gift ideas I have for people. That practice helps me have a head start. If I see something out in the world during the year, I go ahead and buy it. I have a tupperware container in my closet where I keep gifts that I buy early. 
    Starting in August, I give myself
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    Finding Balance: Reducing Holiday Stress

    We are in the final quarter of the year, and I find myself wanting to have a plan. I like going into the new year refreshed and ready. 
    Here are some of the things that are on my mind:

    • I want to go through our budget and refresh it for the upcoming year. We absolutely need to get better about sticking to the budget we have set for ourselves. Life is always changing and evolving, so we have to intentionally set aside time to update our budget to match our life and then track our spending against it. 
    • I want to go through our home to remove, recycle, and donate
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    Holiday Guests

    I’m so excited about the impending holidays. We’re staying here for Thanksgiving, and my best friend and his sister (who is also our good friend) are flying in from Florida. They’ll arrive on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. On Thursday, we’ll trek to Houston for the most delicious dinner at our friend’s house. She is the most exquisite vegetarian cook, and we always have the best time with the friends she assembles.

    I asked my best friend how he wanted to spend his time during his visit in Austin, and he said he didn’t have any preferences. Although I don’t want to plan the whole visit myself, I do think it’s
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