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    Entering the “Pre-mester”

    My new books arrived at my local library this weekend, and I am super-excited. I pretty much read Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility from cover to cover on Saturday afternoon.

    The basic premise is that healthy bodies make healthy babies. I’ve always loved reading about how to healthify my body/life, so these kinds of books appeal to me. The book also blends ideas from Western and Eastern medicine in really unique ways. I don’t know much about more Eastern approaches to medicine, although I am extremely attracted to the idea of looking at health from a more holistic, and systems-based perspective.

    Here are my next steps … Read More

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    Matt is going away for the weekend, and I’m seizing the opportunity to plan a little retreat for myself. By “little” I mean that I’m not actually going anywhere. But I am planning some retreat-like activities for myself.

    And boy could I use a retreat. January was an insanely busy month at school, and February is turning out to be very similar. I’ve also been sick this past week. It doesn’t help that I have major events scheduled six out of seven days next week. Oy vey.

    But rather than look at the events as obligations, I’m going to look at them as opportunities. Even though it will be physically … Read More

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    February: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    Photo courtesy of Nikki McClure’s 2010 Calendar

    It’s February. Hooray! I always like the start of new months. It represents a mini-moment of reflection and rejuvenation. It’s like a little version of New Year’s all over again.

    What should I celebrate about January?

    1. I rekindled my creativity by making a bag (during a craft date with a new friend, which was a lot of fun).
    2. I made an effort to collaborate with colleagues to improve my teaching.
    3. We hosted dinner three different dinners for friends, attended two different dinner parties, and planned a funky night out at the Museum of Fine Arts.
    4. I published our neighborhood newsletter.
    5. I met all
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