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    Magazine Wisdom

    Image courtesy of Boskke

    Magazines are one of my favorite indulgences. You wouldn’t really be able to tell by looking at our living room table. Sure, I have magazines, but they’re mainly things about teaching and learning.

    When I accompany Matt home to Indiana, however, my true colors shine through. I can easily spend an entire day reading Real Simple, Living, O Magazine, Redbook, Better Housekeeping, Southern Living–the list goes on. I don’t even mind reading a feature about “Hot Drinks to Keep You Cool This Summer” in the middle of a snowstorm.

    I feel like I learn so much and generate so many next steps. However, if I don’t … Read More

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    Crafty Plans

    Photo courtesy of Oh! Fransson!

    We’re in Bloomington, Indiana, visiting Matt’s family, and my San Diego self is freezing. Seriously!

    It’s tempting to stay inside in my pajamas (and warm socks) all day. (By “tempting” I mean that’s exactly what I’ve done.)

    I had a good excuse this morning because I had to work on a 6th grade reading unit plan about theme for some consulting I’m doing. And then I decided I needed to clean out my e-mail inbox. Then I started planning my craft projects for the new year. My first project is going to be a bag for my new water bottle, writer’s notebook, wallet, cell … Read More

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    Authentic Moments

    In one of my Writer’s Notebooks, I have a place to record my most authentic life moments–those moments when I was doing something that made me feel most aligned with my authentic self. I entitled it, “Butterfly Specimens.” It was a place to collect those rare, fleeting, but beautiful specimens.

    I used to obsess over finding and cultivating those moments.

    I had one of those authentic moments tonight. Matt and I went to a party (at 9pm on a school night). I reconnected with an acquaintance I met a long time ago and could immediately tell we should be better friends. And, luckily, her partner seemed completely awesome (and got … Read More