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    On Building Community

    Inspired by Andrea’s idea of having a mantra for the year, I deemed 2012 the year to “make dreams happen.” We moved to Austin so I could work on starting the city’s first public Montessori school, and we started building momentum for a co-housing community. We identified land (as well as an amazing family to live there with us!). I started attending events sponsored by the folks who had been trying to bring co-housing to Austin for about a decade. I formed a good relationship with one of the founders of that movement. 
    The amazing, affordable land that we were going to buy turned out to be entirely in the
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    New Year’s Intentions

    I apologize for just now getting around to formulating and sharing my intentions for 2012. It’s been a hectic holiday with a 16-hour road trip to Florida with a baby and a bloodhound, a plane ride to Indiana and back to Florida, a road trip to the other coast of Florida, a week of being on Henry duty 24-hours a day since Matt had to go back to work in Houston, a weekend with my bonus family (the in-laws) in Orlando for the Disney Marathon (Matt was running, not me), and then another plane trip back to Houston, all while talking with the Buyer’s realtor
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    Moving Day To-Do List


    Holy Moly, Matt and I got an offer on our house!

    I will go into all the details once we officially seal the deal. We still have to get through the inspection period. In the meantime, it’s time to start planning a move (which might happen as early as Jan. 26). I really want to purge and organize everything before it gets put into boxes. There’s no reason to move stuff we don’t use.

    If you have your own desire to declutter and organize, you might find this calendar for the year helpful. Moxie shared it in the Feeding the Soil community, and it looks awesome.

    Here’s our crazy-crunch

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