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    A Tentative Post-Baby Daily Rhythm

    Lists, lists, lists!

    For those of you who get really irritated with my passion for planning (or those of you who think I’m spiraling into delusion and disappointment by planning things that can’t possibly be planned), be forewarned that you might not want to read this post. Who needs to elevate their own stress levels by subjecting themselves to something that is really, really going to bother them? Seriously, why not close this site and go check out something more lighthearted?

    For the rest of you, I’m going to share some of my thinking about what my life might be like when I’m on maternity leave.

    First, I must

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    December: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    From the Nikki McClure Calendar

    Wow. We are officially heading into the last month of 2010. I think this marks the end of a decade. It’s strange to me how I can compartmentalize so much of my life chapters according to the decades. The ’80s were my childhood. The ’90s were high school and college. The ’00s started with my career, took me on a self-subsidized sabbatical, and connected me with my life partner. And now the next decade marks the beginning of my journey as a parent and the wholehearted pursuit of some of my bigger dreams related to building community and revolutionizing education.

    Okay, I won’t go too

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    November: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    From the Nikki McClure Calendar

    The months are flying by! But it’s good. I’m simultaneously excited that we’re getting closer and closer to the birth (we’re due in mid-February) and I’m satisfied that I’m dutifully preparing for it. I think I can attribute my joyful attitude to the fact that I’m consciously making space in my life for pregnancy. I work ten hours a day on school stuff, but then I come home and take an hour-long nap and then take Hoss on an hour-long walk. Matt and I cook together about four times a week and enjoy meals out approximately three times a week. Then I usually have a
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