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    Our Front Porch Makeover

    Matt and I desperately need to spruce up our front porch. When we first moved in, we bought a great little couch and ottoman from Target, and I made cushions for our porch swing.

    Since then, however, half of our porch swing cushion has gone missing (I think it blew away when we were on vacation–I never did get around to making little ties for it), and the other half has completely faded, due to sun exposure. Also, the IKEA table is completely weathered (and not in a cool, antiquey sort of way).

    It’s time for a change.

    Here’s what I’m thinking:

    1. Make a new porch swing cushion (I hate
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    What Do You Need in Your Life?

    When I worked on the national staff of Teach For America, I learned about a helpful exercise for cultivating work/life balance (although we didn’t call it that; the exact name is escaping me). And it’s very simple.

    It goes something like this:

    You make a list of what you need in your life on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

    I’m feeling the need to sit down and think through my list again (I’ve done this exercise a lot!). I want to make sure I find that delicate balance between my own needs and my growing baby’s needs.

    So here it goes:


    • Engaging and meaningful work
    • Approximately eight
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    October: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    Image courtesy the Nikki McClure calendar

    September has come and gone. It seems so short and long simultaneously. Matt and I traveled to Indiana for a wedding at the beginning of the month, and that seems so long ago. However, I barely had time to accomplish everything on my to-do list this month. Now that I’m looking back over my calendar, I realize why! I was only home for one weekend this month. Egad!

    Here are the intentions I set for myself at the beginning of the month:

    • Work on Halloween costume: Yes! My crystal-ball reader (with my pregnant belly as the ball) is almost finished. I’m done with the
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