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    August: Reflection & Rejuvenation

    Image courtesy the Nikki McClure calendar

    The month of The Return to School is already here. Pure craziness! Let’s check in and see how the reality of my life aligns with my intentions for July:
    1. Enjoy an amazing two-week road trip with Matt. Yes! Yes! Yes! It was so very fun.
    2. Attend professional development outside of Austin. This got canceled. At least I had a little extra time to start getting ready for school.
    3. Try to fill up registration for my e-course. I didn’t get to 100 participants, but I’m excited about the people who did enroll!
    4. Facilitate grade-level collaboration among my Montessori colleagues as we prepare for the
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    Pregnancy Project Plan

    Wow. There is so much to learn about this whole pregnancy/parenthood thing! For example, I was just over at Offbeat Mama, learning about lochia for the first time.

    I think it’s so easy focus on learning about the immediate stage you’re in and lose sight of the fact that by the time you’re in the next stage, there isn’t enough time to learn everything you need to know for that stage.

    I’ve been trying to stay one step ahead (learn about conception before trying to conceive; learn about pregnancy while trying to conceive; learn about post-partum infant care while pregnant), but it’s hard. I find myself wanting to nap

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    Free Resources for Montessori Infant Education

    I stumbled upon an awesome resource for free information about raising infants in the Montessori way. The company is ultimately trying to sell their products, so the information is riddled with side advertisements, but the information is helpful nonetheless.

    Here’s a snippet of what I learned:

    “We know very little about what a baby really experiences during those nine months in the womb, what he senses, feels, intuits, thinks about, and understands. But we do know that he responds to voices and to sounds and to music. So we offer the best by every day spending some quiet time talking to him, singing, and playing beautiful music.”

    • I love the
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