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    Yoga Retreat “To Bring” List

    Image courtesy of My Big Walk

    I can’t believe I’m going on my first yoga retreat ever. Woo-hoo!

    Clearly, I am very, very excited.

    Here’s what my best friend and I are going to do:

    4:15pm yoga
    7:30pm whole foods cooking class

    9am detox Sara, maybe Andy (guided hike @ 9)
    11am Ayurveda class
    4:15pm yoga class

    6:30am yoga (Andy?)
    9am becoming whole class
    11am yoga and nutrition (Sara) share circle (Andy)
    noon dance
    1:30pm kayaking
    4:15pm yoga

    11am awakening the six senses class

    What are my goals for the retreat? (I’m going to force myself to prioritize them from most to least important.)

    1. To relax
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    Summer Plans

    My brother and me two summers ago in the mountains of Colorado

    If my obsessive planning rubs you the wrong way or if you think I overextend myself and need to relax more, you might not want to read this post.

    Just saying.

    You see, during the boring minutes of my photography workshop (which was only about 15 minutes out of an entire day), I decided to finalize my list of what I want to do with my wide-open summer (thank you to the antiquated K-12 educational system that still has us on an agrarian schedule!).

    I started brainstorming a list a while back, but I wanted to solidify it, … Read More

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    Ah, Summer

    Even though I’m in my eighth year of teaching, I’ve honestly never had a real summer break. The first summer, I won a grant through the National Endowment of Humanities to study Utopian fiction in the Bay Area. Pretty amazing, but definitely not a lie-around-and-wallow-in-your-pajamas kind of summer.

    The next summer, I worked as a Corps Member Advisor at the Teach For America summer institute in Houston. The next summer, I moved from Louisiana to Houston and taught summer school at KIPP. The next summer I did two weeks of professional development in New York, taught summer school again, got my classroom ready, and then traveled to nine Guatemalan cities … Read More