
Co-Sleeping Update

Matt and I realized that our Summer Infant Rest Assured Sleeper is great right next to our bed (since our bed is a platform MALM bed from IKEA and is low to the ground), but it’s a little too bulky to fit between us on the queen bed. Further, it’s up on little legs, which means we would have to go up and over to see the baby.

I decided that I wanted to have an in-bed co-sleeping option. We don’t feel comfortable having the baby directly on the bed, primarily because we have a pillow-top pad that we don’t want to remove (it makes sleeping heavenly!), so we went back to the Snuggle Nest we considered a long time ago. It turns out that the Snuggle Nest positioners are dangerous for babies, but those are easily removed.

I was able to find a Snuggle Nest in the classified section of my neighborhood parent group list-serv for a mere $5! Although I am trying my best not to accumulate an overabundance of baby products, I figured it made sense to have two different co-sleeping options, especially since the second option was only $5 (the first option was $60, but fortunately we received it as a registry gift). That way, we can see what works best for us at different times in the process.

Really, all of our problems would be solved if we had a king-sized bed. In that case, we would probably just use the Snuggle Nest. We decided against upgrading to a king-sized bed when I realized that we need to be saving rather than spending money as we head into my 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave!

I was able to remove the outside cover of the Snuggle Rest and thoroughly wash it, as well as the sheet that covers the little mattress. Then I decided to make one more sheet (since I’m trying to have two of everything, if it’s likely to get peed/pooped upon).

Everything is ready to go (we’re just waiting on the baby–who, by the way, is officially due today!).


  • saracotner

    Hi, Cate! I'm still feeling great. Yesterday was the first hard day at work (but I think that had more to do with Valentine's Day at an elementary school than with my pregnancy!).

    I feel a little nervous about the birth (i.e., the intensity, the lack of control, the unpredictability), and I am mourning the closure of our current stage of life, but I am also eager and excited to meet our little boy and to start our next phase (of course lots of elements of our old life will still be with us; it will just be different).

    I've pretty much checked every item off my to-do list, which is something I really needed to do to help me personally feel prepared and confident. I still try to leave plenty of time to relax, nap, and hang out with Matt.

    Basically, I'm at a point of equilibrium. I would be fine if the baby joined us today, but I am also thankful for each additional day to enjoy life as I know it.

  • Carrie

    Yup, my Outlook calendar dinged at 8AM to let me know it's your due date! 🙂 I had a strange, vivid dream last night that you had the baby, but it was a girl, and you named her Carrianne Lulubelle Gettin'onwithit. What the heck? Pregnancy dreams are SO weird! Anyway, hang in there. He'll be out before the end of February!

  • Kelsey

    @Carrie – too funny! What a name!

    I had a funny dream recently in which I had a baby and then the next day put on my same size jeans as I wear now and went for a run! I wish!

  • Our Little Beehive

    Carrie told me about her dream this AM and I just about died laughing. I hope you're feeling ok and are in a zen state of mind as you head into the "any day now" time. Glad you made it this far and I hope everything continues to go well. xoxo

  • Cate Subrosa

    Sara – glad to hear you're still feeling good, and amazed you're still working! (Working up to the due date is practically unheard of here, we're lucky to get much better maternity allowance and most people stop at 36 weeks.) It sounds like you're in the perfect balanced place, aware of what you're leaving behind (some of it only temporarily) but excited for the future. I'm excited for you too!

  • JoyStevens

    We co-sleep with the pillow top mattress and it has not been a problem. Baby is swaddled mostly and on their back for weeks. The co-sleeper barely fit in our King and Chloe hated it. She much prefers being right up against me. It makes it easy to breastfeed without waking up. I have never felt like we were endangering her or even close to rolling on her.

    I think the main thing is no loose blankets or sheets, no pillows and have baby sleep on their back even if they prefer side and tummy. OR on side if they are propped up against you from breastfeeding. No drinking ever.

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