
Join Us for Purposeful Parenthood!

The Purposeful Parenthood course starts soon! 

Are you striving to be the best possible parent that you can be? Would you benefit from asking and answering questions about what it means to be the kind of family you want to be while also practicing self-forgiveness and letting go of impossible and unhealthy expectations? Welcome to Purposeful Parenthood.

The Purposeful Parenthood Course is simply a space to step back from the day-to-day demands of parenting and reflect on the bigger questions of parenthood within a community of equally intentional and purposeful individuals.

Over the course of four weeks (starting February 6), we will explore four different themes: Vision, Space, Time, and Connection. At the start of the week, you will receive instructions about the Purposeful Parenthood Challenge for that week. For example, the challenge for the first week is to create a Family Mission Statement. The second week we will be selecting an area of our home to update in a family-friendly way. The third week we will be thinking about our ideal schedules and the kinds of rituals we want to incorporate into our lives. Finally, we will be focusing on our partnerships and how to strengthen them in ways that build a strong foundation for our families.

Each day, a new lesson will be uploaded that relates to completing the challenge for the week. Daily lessons include experiences like reflection prompts, templates to help you tease out your thoughts, inspiration, etc. You can connect with others in the online community forum on a daily basis for support, to share ideas, or to ask questions. The following Monday, we will share the results of our challenges from the previous week via the online community. On Tuesday, we will begin the process again for the new week’s challenge. 

The idea is simple: raising children is both an overwhelming joy and a life-changing commitment. When we approach parenting with purpose, we take steps toward reaching our fullest potential as a family.

As a participant in the course, you’ll receive information, tips, reflection exercises and prompts, inspiration, and a community of like-minded kindred spirits who are on a journey similar to your own.

Interested in learning more? Visit the Course Overview or About the Author. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis! The total cost is $99 USD. Register Now!

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