Purposeful Parenthood

Throw Out the Routine Night: What We Are Doing

Throw out the routine night: Henry, Tate and I on an adventure together

We are such a schedule-driven family. It stems from a lot of things. My way of coping with an unpredictable childhood is to over-structure my life. We are also juggling parenting and two full-time jobs. Understanding what is going on—when—makes everything feel better. Matt says he appreciates the predictability. Our routines generally work well for us. But I know we will all benefit from a “throw out the routine night” every once in a while.

But of course I have to plan the night that is supposed to feel like we are throwing out the plan.

Since it is so stinkin’ hot right now, I’m thinking we should head to a fun outdoor pool. And we should see if there are any friends who want to meet us there! I will secretly pack the boys’ bathing suits, masks, etc. Then we will leave school and they will start to notice that I’m not following our normal route. That’s when I’ll let them in on the surprise.

After swimming, we can grab dinner at an inexpensive burger place. Then maybe Henry and I can watch a show while Tate goes to bed. It will be a no homework, no bath throw out the routine night. I’m looking forward to it! (And that, in my opinion is the beauty of advance planning spontaneity. Now I can enjoy the days leading up to it with anticipation!).

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