Being the Change

Birthday Cards as Eulogy Speeches

birthday cards as eulogy speeches

I’m honestly not sure how much longer my grandparents have to live. I feel so grateful that I’m 41 and have lived with them this whole time! They have had such a positive impact on who I am. So when I was writing my grandfather’s birthday card, it started me thinking about the concept of birthday cards as eulogy speeches. Why not write every single birthday card as if it were a eulogy speech?

The idea would be that when you write a birthday card, you would celebrate all the things about that person’s life and the positive impact they are having on your life. But you tell them while they are still alive!

I’m not sure how the concept will go, but I’m going to try it. I would much rather tell people all the kind things I think and feel about them while they are alive, versus waiting to share it with friends and family when the person is gone. It feels like it could work with partners and children. Could it work with colleagues and neighbors, too?

It may not make any sense to think of birthday cards as eulogy speeches once I start doing it, but we’ll see!

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