The Best Kind of Wedding: In My Opinion

This past weekend, we traveled to the Sierra Nevada Mountains for what I personally consider to be the best kind of wedding. I love weddings that include: a beautiful natural setting, quality time for quality conversations with the people getting married, and a relaxed atmosphere. But mostly, the best kind of wedding is one where the couple has the exact kind of wedding they want for themselves, regardless of pressure from anyone else.
Day 1
We headed to the airport after school on Thursday because we wanted to have time to enjoy the trip. I was also trying to make up for the fact that I recently had to chop three days off of our Fall Break family vacation to Big Bend in order to head to a work conference. We flew to Salt Lake City and then into Reno. We arrived very late and were totally exhausted! Tate started melting down big time.
We booked the cheapest room possible at the lodge, which meant there was really only enough bed space for three of us. There wasn’t even room to ask for a fold-out bed. Plus, it was so late at night that the staff wasn’t around. We ended up making a bed for one of the boys in the closet. I swear it was really thick and comfortable. And the boys fought over who would get to sleep in there!
Day 2
The boys woke up really early as they got adjusted to the 2-hour time difference. We enjoyed the complimentary breakfast and then headed into the tiny nearby town. Unfortunately, my costume for the wedding got sent to our Houston address. So we had to hurry and find something new! We stopped by several thrift stores, but none of them were following their posted hours.
Finally, we found a thrift store that was open. I knew it was a total and complete long-shot that I would find a “New Year’s” outfit. I still can’t believe that I actually found a sequin shirt and a separate sequin skirt close enough to my size! It was complete serendipity. The owner was so welcoming and friendly. She drew us a map of the area and told us special spots to seek out—including a hidden area to search for crystals.
After lunch, Henry and I met up with the wedding couple and a handful of their friends. Tate and Matt stayed behind. We hiked up a mountain to an alpine lake. The bride joked, “I’ll give someone $100 to jump in the lake.” Henry stripped off his shirt right away, went all the way in, and dunked his head under!
Back at the lodge, we went in the hot tub to warm up. Then it was pizza and salad on an outdoor patio. Then S’mores around a fire. What a fun start to our adventure!
Day 3
The next morning, we followed the hand-drawn map from the woman at the vintage store to go searching for crystal treasures. Matt had to start photographing the wedding, so it was just the boys and I.
We crossed from heavily forested mountains into an entirely different terrain. We clambered over a barbed-wire fence and followed an unmarked trail to a stream. It wasn’t quite the treasure we had set our hopes on, but we did find tourmaline and some quartz crystals!
Back at the lodge, we got our costumes on for the wedding “ring” party: we were ringing in the new year. The other guests’ costumes were so creative. I think my favorite was a Keith Haring painting.
We ate cake on the lawn, basked in the ceremony in the woods, pet alpacas, danced, ate dinner, and smiled the night away!
Day 4
We woke up and watched a little of Shaun the Sheep. Then we packed up, ate breakfast, and headed to the airport.
It was such a fun trip! It has my brain spinning about what a Family Gap Year would be like. What’s the least amount of stuff we could get away with taking?
I also thought a lot about how each of us has to find our own paths in life. My friends planned the very best possible wedding for them. And they are building the best possible life for them.
That’s what each of us is tasked with: living our lives in a way that is an authentic expression of our unique gifts. It can be so easy to get wrapped up in what others think we should do or be. I love weddings where the couple is just who they are. Cheers to the happy couple!
Weddings like this is what we all need! Back in 2009 I ran across your wedding blog and it became a huge source of inspiration for my husband and my’s wedding. I’ve always meant to write you and thank you for that gift. Finding your blog lifted a huge weight off of us and we felt like we were able to actually create a wedding that was about what was most important- celebrating our chance at love and celebrating the community that brought us together. This post reminded me that it’s been ten years and I STILL hadn’t written and thanked you- so, thank you. Also, super cool that your kids were able to enjoy being at the event as well. Cheers!
Sara Cotner
Ha, ha! I love getting years-old kind words, Jennifer! Thank you.
My mom paid me the biggest compliment when I got married 9 years ago: “This is a wedding of two people who know themselves.” It definitely wasn’t the right wedding for *her* (heck, it wasn’t technically legal, and we encouraged people to wear sneakers if that felt good), but she knew it was right for *us*. And her ability to embrace that — even if she did make a last minute, not discussed with me, but ultimately strong decision about our flowers — meant SO MUCH leading up to the day.
Sara Cotner
That’s exactly the best way to describe it, Olivia! I hope I can grow into a mother who can embrace my children like this.