In the Kitchen

Coronavirus Food: What have you been eating lately?

coronavirus food

Are your coronavirus food eating habits as off as mine are? I normally drink a blueberry, cacao, and kale smoothie every morning for breakfast. But access to leafy greens has been on and off at our house. So on those days when we don’t have them I just resort to yogurt (or—I’m not gonna lie—I will even delight my children by taking them to McDonald’s once in a while even though I despise that corporation and try to support local business as much as possible when we take-out food). That reminds me, I’ve been meaning to show my children the documentary Supersize Me. (Ooh, did you know there’s a Supersize Me 2?)

Back when my work life was normal, I would frequently heat up an organic Amy’s meal in the microwave at work. But at home, we don’t have a microwave. So I find myself piecing together random things at lunch time like nachos, quesadillas, or Mac-n-cheese.

For dinner, we are on a more normal schedule, but the boys seem to snack so much throughout the day that they really aren’t hungry at dinner time.

We have also expanded our dessert nights to three times a week! We have a freezer full of popsicles, or we will make brownies. We will also make popcorn during our movie nights on Friday.

My favorite thing this week was grilled cheese made with homemade sourdough bread. I ate it nearly every day for lunch! No, I did not make the bread myself. One of Matt’s friends gave it to us.

What coronavirus food have you been eating lately? Do you have any recommendations that rise to the top?


  • Kate

    I have actually been eating way better since being confined to home. I never realized how much of my eating was tied to being at work, needing to get to work, needing to fuel myself through a long day at work, being tired from commuting to and from work…

    I actually started an Instagram account (my first!) cooking my way through the confinement… if you’re interested, it’s @smittencovidkitchen. No pressure if you aren’t (I’m a longtime reader anyways), but there’s some ideas on there that might work for you. I’m thinking particularly of my reliance on frozen spinach for all things leafy greens…

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