Living in Sync with Your Cycle

In response to my post asking for menopause resources last week, Erika shared the site: floliving. The idea is that we can see great benefits in our lives when we eat and exercise in sync with our cycle. It got me thinking a lot about living in sync with your cycle!
The concept is really simple. With regard to eating, for example, she says that an excess of estrogen can cause unhelpful symptoms and that adding in certain vegetables can help. Here are her recommendations:
Follicular phase (before you ovulate, after your period)
Artichoke, broccoli, carrot, parsley, green peas, string beans and zucchini
Ovulatory phase (when you’re ovulating)
Asparagus, brussels sprouts, chard, escarole, scallion, spinach
Luteal phase (before you have your period)
Cauliflower, collard greens, daikon, onion, parsnip, radish, squash, sweet potato
Menstrual phase (your period)
Beet, kale, kelp, mushrooms
She has similar recommendations about synching your exercise with your cycle:
Workout: Walk – keep your workouts mild, even if you’re not feeling major discomfort.
When: An evening stroll is the perfect way to get some simple movement.
Follicular Phase (the week or so after your period)
Workout: Run or other cardio
When: Mid-day – your estrogen will be low and your cortisol levels will be just right for a challenging cardio burst.
Ovulation (mid-cycle)
Workout: High-intensity interval training or bodyweight circuit
When: Early morning – you’ll have tons of energy during this time of the month, so take advantage of that natural high! Your testosterone is higher during this phase, so whatever you do, feel free to go all out.
Premenstrual/Luteal Phase
Workout: Pilates, yoga
We make choices all the time about which vegetables to eat and what kind of exercise to try. I might as well try following these recommendations and seeing how they leave me feeling! I installed the app for just $1.99. I wanted to start tracking my cycles more closely anyway. I might as well try it out this way and see what I think.