10 Things Saving My Life Right Now

I was so inspired by this Lazy Genius Podcast episode. I know I’m late to the Kendra Adachi bandwagon, but here I am! She inspired me to write my own 10 Things Saving My Life Right Now list. The whole point is that we each have our own lists. What brings me joy is not necessarily the same thing that brings others joy. And when we aren’t intentional about what we put on our lists, we can end up stressing ourselves out by chasing someone else’s list.
It will be too much pressure to put these in an actual prioritized list, so I’m just going to list them as they occur to me, okay?
- Daily Harvest Smoothies: When we dropped down to one income, we cut out this expense. I was also happy to stop producing so much trash. But then the stress of the pandemic started and perimenopause-like symptoms started (or is it stress?). I recommitted to bringing more nutrition into my life. And I ushered Daily Harvest Smoothies back in. They help me get in a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. that I would struggle to fit in for myself otherwise.
- Mary’s Crackers: I switched to these crackers for lunch, and I feel ten times better! I know it’s still not as healthy as a meal that isn’t as processed, but I’m celebrating my forward progress. I’m eating things like cheese, crackers, cucumbers, apple, and strawberries.
- 5-Minute of Yoga Stretching: I love stretching for just five minutes before bed. I put on my New Age Essentials Pandora station and sink into the relaxation. It feels so good! And now that I’ve stopped forcing myself to meditate, I am much more likely to fit in stretching!
- Treadmill Desk: This desk is helping me fit in 1-2 hours of movement at least four times a week. It feels so good!
- Ping Pong: Matt and I play ping pong nearly every day. It’s fast and fun! And we listen to my Pandora 90s, 2000s, and Today’s Hits while we play. It’s bringing a lot of joy into our lives. We upgraded from using the dining room table to using a piece of plywood on top of a folding table in the garage.
- Chick Lit Books: I’ve been gobbling up chick lit books left and right. I find them so relaxing and engaging. You can subscribe to my weekly newsletter if you want the names of specific titles I’m enjoying.
- Reiki & Therapy: I had to put these two together in order to fit more things on my Top Ten list! But they are very different. Then again, they also relate to each other! Both of them help me process what I’m feeling and promote healing. I do both of them on a bi-weekly basis.
- Time with Friends: My saving grace through the pandemic has been getting together with friends nearly weekly. We always stay outside and try to socially distance.
- Parenting Coaching: Learning the Nurtured Heart Approach has transformed my relationship with my son, and I am so, so grateful! We are on a much better journey together.
- Vacation on the Horizon: Matt and I will both be vaccinated by the summer, and I am in some serious need of healing after the year I have had as an educational administrator who has had to make choices that impact thousands of people. So we are heading to Hawaii for the first time ever! I’m so excited to make up for lost time with my kids during this really busy year. The research shows that looking forward to something is just as fun as the thing itself. That’s definitely how it works in my life!
What about you? What does your list look like? (And please don’t be tempted to romanticize any of the things on my list as things you should try to bring into your life. There are no shoulds in this situation. The trick is to tune into yourself and figure out what works for you!)