In the Kitchen

Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe

Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe

Me? Making sourdough bread with this easy recipe? It feels like Sara from 10 years ago is emerging!

I remember reading about a CEO who said you could only pick 3 of 5 things if you were also launching a company: Exercise, Sleep, Work, Family, or Friends. And I remember being indignant about the idea of not getting to have all five things.

But, the truth is, I gave up a lot to launch a non-profit organization. And to parent two young children.

Ten years in, I am continuing to reclaim former parts of myself.

I’ve never made sourdough bread before, but I used to be a “from scratch” person. I used to sew things and enjoy projects that took a while.

But the past decade has largely been about “How can I get XXX done as efficiently as possible?”

So it feels good to slow down and make sourdough bread.

First I listened to this podcast about seasonal eating. They talked about regularly making sourdough bread.

The next day, I saw sourdough starter for sale at the Farmer’s Market and bought it. And now I’ve made a loaf of bread each week (for two weeks). I use it for an open-face egg sandwich at lunch, grilled cheese for dinner from time to time, and croutons.

It’s a relatively simple process. It’s only flour, salt, water, and starter. I’m still amazed by the straightforwardness of it!

It’s not lost on me that I chose the simplest sourdough recipe. I’m not a completely changed person! But I’m giving myself credit for choosing to make bread from scratch that takes two days.

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