Quick Snack Ideas for Hungry Kids

The other day Henry brought home three friends and I didn’t have much time to pull together some quick snack ideas for hungry kids.
First, I chopped up some vegetables and put them around a small bowl of ranch dressing.
I also had some fruit. I was going to make a dip out of plain Greek yogurt, honey, and cinnamon. But this time I opted for Nutella, plain Greek yogurt, honey, and vanilla.
I threw some pickles into a small bowl for good measure.
I also had an extra box of King Arthur’s Muffin mix lying around, so I made chocolate chip muffins.
In the end, it was a veritable feast!
The experience pushed me to reflect on what kind of family we want to be and what kind of home we want to have.
I want our home to feel like a lighthouse to our children. A place that calls to them. That promises safety. That offers comfort.
What This Post Is Really About
It feels a bit silly to take this post in that direction. But, actually, that’s what this post is about. It’s about how quickly our children grow. How much they require us to adjust our routines to keep up with them.
Just like that, I’m about to be a mom to a teenager (wasn’t he just four?).
I hope he continues to bring home hungry friends at the last minute. And I hope I continue to make space to offer up plates of tasty food.
I still have a lot of guilt about how stressful and big my job was for nearly the first decade of our family life. But then I remind myself of something my aunt said. She was a teacher and guidance counselor for many years. She says, “Parents often prioritize being home with their babies. But if they have to make a choice, they should prioritize being home more for their adolescents. Babies are happy with anyone who loves them and provides good care. Teenagers need their parents.”