An Infant Montessori Environment
When I was pregnant with Henry, I started getting his Montessori nursery ready several months in advance. This time around, we didn’t create a nursery for Tate at all. In this particular instance, it’s not a case of busy-second-time-momness. Really, it was simply a function of the fact that our move-in date for our new house was two weeks after his birth. And then the builders tacked on a few more weeks until they were going to finish our house. Two weeks at our rental house with baby Tate started to turn into a month or more. He still didn’t need a full-blown nursery for a single month (since he … Read More
First Montessori Mobile: The Munari
Image courtesy of bella’s casa on Etsy My dear friend Karla let me borrow her daughter’s Munari Montessori mobile for baby Tate. I am extremely grateful. I was incredibly daunted by the thought of following these directions and making one myself. Now that I’ve seen it in person: a) I promise you can make one, if you’re interested! and b) it’s worth it–it’s so beautiful!
My First Experience with Montessori
I remember the first time I ever walked into a Montessori classroom full of productive and focused 3-6 year-olds. It looked like magic. The children were contentedly working all around the classroom on different things. However, all of them were … Read More
Montessori Bedroom for a One Year-Old
I’ve been meaning to share pictures of Henry’s new Montessori bedroom. It’s a lot different than his Montessori nursery in Houston. In our 1930s bungalow in Houston, we only had two bedrooms, so Henry’s nursery also functioned as our office, guest bedroom, and craft room. We designed it with all those functions in mind. It was also my favorite room in the house, so when Henry and I were home together, we hung out in there like a living room (which is why we put his movement mat, mirror, and mobiles there instead of in the living room). Now that we live in a ranch-style home with three bedrooms … Read More