Settling In
This is the year to “put down roots.” I didn’t set a bunch of small intentions because I was so focused on three huge ones:-
Welcome a healthy, happy baby into our lives
Finish building our house
Receive approval from the state to open Austin’s first public Montessori school
I had to take a break from this space last week because I was getting sucked into the vortex of these intentions. All at once!We officially moved into our house and also received notification that the charter application has made it to the final round (we interview with the state this Thursday). So we had the stress of… Read More -
Infant Sleep Update
As I type this, Tate is fast asleep on my chest (in the Moby Wrap, which frees up my hands for typing). That pretty much describes how I spend many hours a day!Tate is now two months-old, and now seems like a good time to update you on how our routine is going.Around 7am, Henry wakes up like clockwork and Matt helps him start getting ready for the day. Tate is also usually ready to eat at this time. If he happens to still be asleep, I wake him up to start our day together.After about 20-30 minutes of breastfeeding, Tate is ready for… Read More -
Making a House a Home
Well, we closed on our house last week.Normally, I would put an exclamation mark after a statement like that, but it doesn’t really deserve one since we still aren’t allowed to move in! We are waiting to pass the city inspection.In the meantime, we are putting together our IKEA Karlstad couch and living in limbo. We hosted a meet-up for Austin-area families who implement Montessori at home, but hosting in an empty house (we had to bring over toilet paper for the occasion) just doesn’t feel the same.Oh, well. I know the next couple days will fly by and we will be in… Read More