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    A New Sibling Book

    I loved k.’s comment a month or so ago about making a small photo album for her child to take to school after the birth of a sibling. Matt and I have talked so much about the new baby for the past nine months and have tried to be really intentional about building Henry’s understanding and his enthusiasm. I’d like to keep that enthusiasm going for as long as possible.

    My first idea was to buy a really inexpensive, small photo album from the dollar store and slide photos into it. Easy peasy!
    But then I thought that it could be a really sweet keepsake, and it would be nice
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    One Month: Happy Birthday, Tate!

    Dearest Tate,

    You will be one month old tomorrow! We will definitely celebrate, just like we celebrate every day that you’re in our lives.
    You are such a sweet, sweet boy, and we are incredibly grateful that you arrived safely and in strong health. You were over ten pounds at birth, which means you are quickly outgrowing your newborn diapers and clothes! You have to eat a lot to keep up your weight, and you make the cutest little snorting pig noises when you’re hungry. You’ve also been incredibly strong from day one. You were born with amazing head control, and you seem to have a sixth sense when it
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    Post-Partum Update: Week Three

    We are officially three weeks and three days into our new life with Tate (by the time this post runs, we’ll be four weeks into it). I’m happy to report that–so far–it’s much easier this time!
    I don’t want to jinx myself because we’re still early into this journey and a number of difficulties could still pop up, but compared to where we were as a family 2.5 years ago with Henry, life is going well.
    Several things are different this time. First, we aren’t going through such a monumental identity shift. We were already parents. We already felt the gravity of what it means to take
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