Book Recommendation: Glitter and Glue
I’m embarrassed by what little reading I have been able to fit into my life lately! I’m always listening to Sarah and Abby talk about the amazing novels they plow through or watching Kelsey do the same thing. And then there’s me who sometimes flips through a magazine on the toilet. Whomp. Whomp.
Over Spring Break, I had a chance to read two novels! The first was called Glitter and Glue: A Memoir. It’s about a recent college graduate who sets out to backpack around the world, runs out of money, ends up nannying, and comes to realize new truths about her own relationship with her mother through the … Read More
Regular Dinners with Neighbors
This year I’ve been focusing on cultivating relationships. It’s been hard for me these past several years (well, nearly six years, if I’m being honest) because of the whirlwind of parenting two children within 28 months of each other + launching a start-up non-profit organization + trying to make time for exercise + trying to be a good partner. I’ve honestly let relationships beyond my immediate circle fall by the wayside.
We’ve been doing regular Saturday Suppers for a while now (this month will be our 14th!). While I love those and hope to continue doing them, I also wanted to pursue more intimate opportunities for connection. Hence the idea … Read More
PSA: Get Your Tetanus Shot
Tetanus is found in dirt, dust, and feces I’m grateful that I’ve been going to the same doctor for a while and she tracks my health history closely. At my last visit, she reminded me that it was time for my tetanus booster shot. Ouch!
I remember getting a tetanus shot when I was five years-old. I had it in the morning and then went back to kindergarten. I remember trying to raise my arms while singing songs with the class and how much it hurt!
When I got the shot, the doctor said, “Don’t worry; you won’t have to have another one until you are ten years-old.” I literally … Read More