Holiday Rituals: Valentine’s Day
Henry’s love note to me on Valentine’s Day Either through nature and/or nurture, I have passed along my love of holiday traditions to my oldest son, Henry. Last year he asked, “What do we do as a family on Valentine’s Day?”
Up until that point, Matt and I hadn’t done a whole lot. We only get presents for each other on birthdays and Christmas (not even our anniversary!). So I quickly designed a new holiday tradition:
- We wake up on Valentine’s Day and make waffles or pancakes as a family.
- While we eat breakfast, we brainstorm what we want to do together as a family to celebrate our love for
Hello, Old Friend!
The boys and me at Bolinas Beach (north of San Francisco) during Fall Break. Oh, my! It’s been so long since I’ve been in this space. Well, technically this isn’t even the same space since I migrated my blog from Blogger to WordPress. But it feels the same since it’s still just me, my keyboard, and my thoughts.
What has happened since I last shared? It looks like I left off at the end of September. That makes sense, given the fact that October got pretty busy. It started with our Fall Break trip to Stinson Beach (north of San Francisco). Then it was all Beto O’Rourke campaign work all … Read More
The Benefits of Therapy
I’ve been working with an incredible leadership coach for about a year and a half. She has helped me immensely with how to stop myself from filling up my life with work. Before I started working with her, I was routinely working up until 10pm or 10:30pm at night. I was exhausted and utterly impatient with my husband and children. She helped me learn how to put self-care habits in place but also how to better prioritize what I take on in my work and life, so I have more time and space to focus on those things. From my work with her, I knew that I also wanted to … Read More