The Seven Factors that Contribute to American Racism
Steven O. Roberts, (Image credit: L.A. Cicero) My heart continues to break for the United States of America. We have become so polarized—politically, culturally, and even in terms of what we believe is the Truth about what is happening around us. I’m honestly having a really hard time seeing a pathway forward. I believe in trying to figure out how to put a partnership society in place of our domination society. But right now it’s just feels like a Battle to the Death between the two sides.
And one of the things we are most polarized about right now is how we think about racism in America. For example, the … Read More
What do you need in your life right now?
I’m so grateful for the little voice in my head that is constantly asking, “What do you need in your life right now?” The answer varies from really big things like, “I really want to go on my first ever trip to Hawai’i to celebrate that I’m vaccinated!” to “I need to go lie on my bed and scroll through Instagram while Matt deals with the kids.”
A couple months ago, I asked myself that question, and I realized that I really, really wanted to go on a retreat with other women. My original goal this year was to go on a solo retreat, but I think that 1.25 … Read More
New Podcast Episode—Self-Regulation: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Boy, oh, boy, my-self-regulation is one of the first things out the door when I’m stressed! And I’m feeling stressed at the moment with closing on our vacation house and ending the craziest school year imaginable (plus already starting to get ready for the next school year).
I enjoyed talking with Katherine about the art and science of self-regulation. We start with our current Highs and Lows (i.e., a new job, hard work in therapy, buying a vacation house, and performance reviews). Then we shift into Today’s Topic focused on self-regulation. Next we share a couple of Tips & Tricks (baked quesadillas and nutrition coaching). Finally, we close out with … Read More