• Health-n-Wellness

    This Week’s Healthy Lunch

    My plan is to make a list of healthy meals that I can just rotate through so I can be on auto-pilot. It’s the only way I’m able to fit in all the things I want in my life: time for exercise, time with family, healthy eating, downtime, adequate sleep, meaningful week, parenting, conversations with friends and family, time with Matt–the list seems endless! 
    This week’s lunch:

    • Bean dip (0 points)
    • 16 crackers (3 points)
    • 3 pieces of mozzarella cheese (3 points)
    • Baby carrots (0 points)
    • Bell pepper
    • Cucumbers
    • Snap peas
    I’m really excited! I’ll make five of these meals on Sunday and then eat them the whole week. Then
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  • Health-n-Wellness

    Weight Watchers: Week One Update

    Week one is done! I lost two pounds and already feel a difference in my body. My clothes fit a tiny bit better, and running is easier because I’m not jiggling as much (sorry for the mental movie). 
    Let’s first rewind and talk about why the heck I’m even doing Weight Watchers. While listening to the Friendlier podcast this weekend, I heard Abby talking about how she wants to have a very body-positive approach to life and doesn’t want to kowtow (okay, she did not use that word, but it seems to capture her sentiment) to warped societal pressures about what bodies are supposed to look like. 
    For me, joining
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  • Uncategorized

    Back on Track: The Art of Tuning in and Not Doing Too Much

    As I write this, it’s a Saturday morning (I typically write my posts during the weekend and schedule them to run during the week). I just got back from my first run in a long time. I drank a smoothie. I listened to a Podcast while I showered (Friendlier), and all of my boys are out of the house together while I have a couple hours of free time. I’m sitting on our outdoor couch. It feels like Spring, and I can even hear the creek rambling. 
    [insert contented sigh]
    I’ve had to work really hard to get to this place. I had to start eating healthier
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