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    I Heart the Elfa Closet System

    I’ve been a huge fan of the Container Store Elfa closet system for three years now. We splurged on it when we first moved into the house, taking advantage of their 30% of sale. Our house is 1,800 square feet for a family of four without a garage, so we try to maximize our space however and whenever we can. This closet system helps us use all the available area. 
    I renewed my vows with the Elfa system this year when we consolidated Henry and Tate into the same room. The system is completely interchangeable, so we were able to reconfigure our closets to align with our current needs. It
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    Our Quasi-Updated Front Porch

    lived in our house for three years, but there still feel like there are
    unfinished areas of our home. For example, our front deck has felt less
    than welcoming for a long time now. I’ve been mulling it over for so
    long. Do we want an outdoor couch? A rug? Some kind of storage for our
    garden tools? A swinging chair? 
    Finally I just spent an evening scrolling through chairs on Overstock and came across some chairs
    that looked cool and comfortable (they actually look uncomfortable, but
    they are similar to a chair featured on Young House Love a long time
    ago that they swore was comfortable). 
    We added
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    5-Minute Fix, Months of Procrastination

    Honestly, these are my least favorite posts to write–the ones where I have to confess that I have been dragging my feet for MONTHS and then finally did something that took about five minutes.
    It has happened frequently, like here and here.
    This time it was a little shelf that I wanted to install in my bathroom. I was convinced that we needed to have a professional install it. Then once I got over that idea I thought I needed Matt to install it with the drill. Once I waited for that to happen and it still didn’t, I asked Matt for the drill to do it myself and
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