Letting Go: Why I’m Giving Up on Meditation
I recently finished reading Why We Can’t Sleep: Women’s New Midlife Crisis. I have so many mixed feelings about the book. It specifically focuses on the crappy hand of cards that Generation X women have been dealt and why they are so stressed out and depressed in midlife. However, this post isn’t actually about all the conflicting feelings I had while reading the book. Instead, it’s about the concept of “letting go” and why I’m giving up on meditation.
The book talks a lot about the impossible expectations that Generation X women have for themselves. For example, this section really resonated with me:
… Read More‘It used to be, you rated
Modern Parenting Meditation: What I’m Trying
I read a lot about the increasing rates of anxiety in children and how parents are trying too hard to shape their children. It’s so easy for me to fall into these traps because of my own need to control, my tendency to look at life as one big project, and the insecurity I feel about my children being a reflection of me. I’ve been turning around the idea of a modern parenting meditation in my head for a while.
Matt has been getting really into meditation lately. He listens to all sorts of audiobooks about it. He was explaining that one of the lectures he listened to talked … Read More