Good Times

Starting a Podcast: Should I Do It?

starting a podcast: picture of microphone

The other day, a simple text exchange led me to thinking about starting a podcast. Here’s how it went down! (A little backstory first…)

For context, Julie and I are kindred spirits in many ways. I met Julie through Feeding the Soil years ago but then met her in real life through our schools. We are both school leaders with a passion for Montessori and education equity. Additionally, blogging is a hobby for both of us. We also think a whole lot about how being intentional with our lives. I love reading about her systems and routines. I had the chance to host her and her daughter in Austin while they were road tripping to Houston, and we exchange holiday cards. We text constantly about our blogs. She has been a huge resource to me as I try to figure things out!

I was drafting my recent blog post about what I’m working on right now, and I texted Julie my goals. Here’s what ensued:

I’ve had the idea of a podcast on the back burner for years. My interest in it stems from listening to my favorite podcasts: Friendlier and The Girl Next Door. I love the impact that these podcasts have on my life. And they always inspire me to want to talk about the subjects they are addressing!

I haven’t moved forward for a lot of reasons:

  1. Essentialism reminds me not to put too many new things on my plate.
  2. I already lose money by running a blog. I would hate to add another expense line item to our budget!
  3. My voice is not particularly melodic or inspiring.
  4. I write more coherently than I talk.
  5. I am not good at improv. And talking for others’ consumption is a form of improv.

But the idea of talking to Julie on a regular basis sounded really fun. I think we are going to try recording it and see how it sounds!

Starting a Podcast: Questions for You

  • What do you like about your favorite podcasts?
  • Conversely, what do you wish were different about your favorite podcasts?
  • What do you think is the idea length of time for a podcast?
  • We’re thinking we would release an episode every two weeks. Does that cadence sound okay to you?
  • Any other advice you want to share before we embark on this endeavor?

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