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    Making Friends as an Adult

     Since moving to Austin more than six months ago, I’ve put forth a concerted effort to make new friends. Although I was eager to move to Austin to work on my big dream of starting Austin’s first public Montessori school, I was simultaneously devastated to leave behind the dear friendships I had cultivated over the years. 
    While I’m trying to maintain those friendships, I’m also trying to make new friends. Spending time with friends is an important part of life for me. I want to host dinner parties and play board games and have picnics and go out for sushi have people over to swim (when we can afford
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    Take a Personality Quiz

    I am a big fan of personality assessments, like the Myers-Briggs and Strengths Finder. They help me articulate my strengths and areas for growth, and they remind me that my friends, colleagues, family members, and neighbors all have different ways of processing experiences, communicating, relating, etc.
    I came across a new one called Equilibria. It’s free and takes about 15 minutes. At the end, you get a three-word phrase that is supposed to sum you up. Here’s mine:
    The Doing Thinker
    I actually think that description is surprisingly accurate! As for the rest of the description, I felt like some of it was spot on and some of
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    Revamping My Organizational System

    Friends! I’m okay. Thank you for your messages of concern. It’s only been four days without posts!
    Life has been quite hectic around here:
    1. Two-week vacation at the in-laws house while having a miscarriage.
    2. Matt was out of town for 1.5 weeks. 
    3. My part-time job ballooned into a 200% time job, as we busted our butts to get ready for the first day of school. I was working full days, as well as Saturdays and Sundays. 
    4. We traveled back to Indiana for Matt’s cousin’s wedding.
    5. Henry has swim lessons every day for 10 minutes. The pool is about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of everything else. We’ve been in
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